Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We continue to have to swaddle Calvin so he can sleep for longer than 30 minutes at a time. Sometimes I feel bad for him because he wants to move his arms and can fight the swaddle after being in it. I think a lot of the grunts and groans I hear in the middle of the night is him trying to break free! Tough love begins early I suppose. Upon unswaddling he immediately throws his arms up and begins his stretching routine. I do not think gravity applies to his arms sometimes! I look forward to the day when I can rock him to sleep and not worry about swaddling but I'm sure that will be a bittersweet day as well. It will mean my baby is no longer "new" any more. It's amazing how fast they grow. Everyone is right! Below I've included pictures of him in "the swaddle" since he's been born and then some pictures of a stretching session.