Sunday, July 18, 2010

Calvin and Friends

Calvin has had lots of people come to visit him in the last 7 weeks. Mark and I have never had so many people interested in coming to visit us before! We have enjoyed the company and Calvin has certainly enjoyed the attention. Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of all the visitors but will in good time. Calvin has started smiling more and we even catch the occasional laugh. He weighed in at a hefty 11 pounds yesterday. He gained almost a full pound in 10 days -- I guess there is something to be said about the 6 week growth spurt! I included pictures of some of our friends with Calvin below.

Tara, my friend from work

Cindy, another friend from work

The Moore family came to visit all the way from New Mexico on their way to KY. I worked with Rich and Kelli during my summers at Glorieta. I had not seen them in 9 years -since my wedding. It was so good to see them and catch up!

My best friend Angela came to visit from Lubbock around Calvin's 3 week birthday. She helped me start to get out of the house, showed me the art of swaddling, and helped a lot around the house. I always enjoy seeing and spending time with her.

Our good friends Bert, Brandi and their daughter Bailey came to visit. They grilled steaks for us and we had a nice evening.

Karan, my sister-in-law's mother

We met my good friend Joey-Michelle for lunch at the Sushi restaurant. It was my first lunch outing! I am starting to become more adventuresome.

Nancy, my mother-in-law's good friend brought me and my mother-in-law Chinese food for lunch. She also gave us Calvin's first Polo onesie!